Trip: Popasna – Svitlodarska Duga – Avdiivka 06/12/2017

Volunteer group "Our Kharkiv" - Assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This trip was no exception, as always our route lay from Popasnaya through Svitlodarska Duga to Avdiyivka.
As usual, the boys were brought to the front line with everything they needed: military uniforms, T-shirts, berets, socks, gas stoves, an electric generator, water boilers, a Garmln navigator, as well as some goodies: buns, carrots, cabbage, sweets, sausage, honey...
We know that it is difficult for everyone right now, so we thank everyone who does not stand aside and helps our defenders on the front lines. Thank you very much!
Special thanks to Natalie for the pies.
Also special thanks to:
• Water-motor club "Fregat"
• "OVYS" gas station complex
• International Charitable Foundation "Malodanylivska Hromada"
• Theater-school "Vrata"
• patriot Andrii
and to all caring people who help. Glory to Ukraine!

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